“Achieve your goals through the power of inner peace”
12 sessions
+ 2 rituals (developed especially for you)
+ 1 guide to make your family tree
In my job, I know nothing more beautiful than following a person over several months and seeing them transform, free themselves and learn to love themselves, to live in peace.
Knowing the power of the intention that we set when starting personal work, as well as that of rituals, I developed this program to allow you to achieve your goals thanks to the power of inner peace.
Because it is by releasing what prevents you from being you, from experiencing your full potential, and from establishing deep peace in your being, that you will remove all the blockages that slow down your progress and achievements.

8 months to experience a great inner and outer transformation.
8 months to connect to your essence and finally allow yourself to vibrate it in your life.
8 months to unleash your power and embody it.
You have difficulty achieving your goals or getting started, because... you can feel these obstacles within you, these cursed fears, these limiting beliefs and “Oh boy! » these repetitive patterns!
You want to start a project and you're giving THE best start possible!
You have a project but it hesitates, it differs, it goes in circles. In short… you don’t dare to start.
Your project/goal is you! And inner peace suits you well…
You have already started work with me and would like a boost. We're moving up a gear!
You have tried lots of things and your blockages persist.
You have been in analysis for a while, it has already brought you so much forward, but yet there are key aspects that you have identified and which are not evolving.
You want to do it and that’s it :-)
During these 8 months, we see each other 1 to 3 times a month. You register for coaching and receive a first questionnaire. During our opening session, we will set your intention together, and this will allow me to then develop your opening ritual for you. The soul tarot will shed light on where you are currently in your life, and the path towards which your soul is guiding you. We will have a first constellation which will allow you to reconnect with your essence, then according to your needs, I will organize the program of the remaining sessions. We will end with a closing session which will allow us to observe the path traveled and the objectives achieved, and a ritual which will allow you to anchor these transformations in each of your cells, and to manifest the next chapter of your life.
Opening session
Opening ritual
Soul tarot
Constellation "Trauma to essence"

8 sessions between tarot and constellation, defined by me according to needs
Closing ritual
Closing session
2 start-up and closing sessions - €140
2 personalized opening and closing rituals - €160
1 tarot of the soul - 140€
1 constellation “From wound to essence” - 90€
8 sessions to be determined, between constellations and tarot - 8x90=720€
1 guide to create your family tree - 40€
Total value: €1290
Coaching price: €1090 (i.e. 15% reduction)
Do not hesitate to contact me HERE if you are unsure and would like more information.
About the price
If there is one thing that I don't like about many training or coaching courses sold on the web, it's the moment where you are told exorbitant prices, bonus booklets worth €180 per example, and you are made to believe that out of pure altruism, you are ultimately sold the total for only 10% of its value. But be careful, “you have to make the purchase today!”
Here the price paid corresponds to the real value of the sessions on my site, to which I apply a 15% reduction for the "package" effect.
It's transparent, it's fair, and it immediately builds a healthy exchange between us. You are safe by entrusting me with your needs, your weaknesses, your expectations... I will take care of them.
It is possible to pay in 1, 2 or 3 installments depending on your possibilities.